Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Reese and Ben

I feel like this went well.

Prison break...not the tv show

Ben is dreaming of his escape plan while napping in his jail bird suit.

Family picture: surely if we take a hundred photos....

there is bound to be one good one in there. Or not.

I mean...I'm just sayin'....isn't 5 weeks enough time to learn that you're suppose to sit still, look directly into the camera and smile at the count of 3?

Oh well...thank you for your efforts Steve...and great subliminal message with the cross in the back. I'm sure our family will lead many into the kingdom of heaven with this one.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Ben would like to say...

that he is really, really, really upset at the lack of comments being made on the Blog. I told him that people keep telling me they "love the Blog," but comments are just pathetically low. So, for Ben's sake (man he is really upset), leave comments ....even if completely unrelated to the post!

Yeah "Dog"

Ben is working on shadow puppetry at an early age. While dressing him, he throws the "dog" shadow puppet in the background.

Mittens are for girls and snowmen

I have often had to put mittens on Ben's hands to keep him from scratching his cheeks (and other people). These particular mittens have little chickies on them. Ben was a little upset when he found out that I was planning to post this photo to the Blog. In fact, he begged me not to put such a "sissy" picture on the Web (his words exactly).
As you can see, just moments later....out of sheer embarrassment, Ben tried to suffocate the chickies. For the chickies' sake, I will never again post a chickie mitten picture (well, maybe).

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Maybe next winter mom

Listen mom and dad, I know I have a pretty big noggin'...but are you kidding me?!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sight for sore eyes

With my horrible vision, and his father's even more horrible vision, our son is bound to need sight assistance of one form or another. So Ben is seen here getting a fitting. He says they are too big. I thought they looked fine....oh well.

ps-Please note that while it may appear that I am flipping the camera off in the background, I am actually just holding the glasses in place. Alright, they were too big.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Not just any ol' passie

Here I am shown introducing various pacifiers to my son. After three different kinds....the winner is...the random Power T passie that we only have one of. Hmm....time to call up "Hound Dogs" UT fan store in Knoxville, TN and order up a half dozen of these puppies. Just goes to show....we truly are a Vol family! (Daddy and I are so proud of your choice!)

Like father like son

Do you see what I come home to?!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Hey you guys.....where is everyone?

This has to be a confusing state to wake up in.

Tweet Tweet

This is the birdy face that Ben makes when he is being burped. I don't know why....but I think he looks like a little baby bird. He also squirms and grunts a lot during this process....it's pretty hysterical.

Tuck that toe

If this isn't the cutest thing you've ever seen....look at that little toe tucked into dad's waist! Babies are so funny. Between using my neck for a scratching post when he is fussy and tucking his big toe into Jeremiah's pants....what will be next!?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Jeremiah and Ashley (pre Ben) Posted by Picasa

More super human tricks

Well, if you didn't think the thumb sucking thing was impressive enough, take a look at this one! At just 2 weeks old, Ben is seen here HOLDING HIS OWN BOTTLE! No joke, he has done it a few times....we only let him do it for like a minute or two. It's nuts! I love it in the middle of the night. It's like, " Mom, I know it's 4 a.m. and you are awful tired...here...let me help." What a kid!

Talented...truly talented (it runs in the family)

So maybe it's just because he's our son....but we are impressed. Most babies are seen sucking their thumbs in the womb. This is made possible by the close proximity of their hands to their face due to the limited space. However, once out of the cozy 24-hour childcare unit...it takes months for most to coordinate getting their hands/thumb to their mouth again. Usually their efforts leave them with scrapes and scratches as they slap their cheeks and flail their arms about. Our son on the otherhand is super human. Here he is at 6 days old with his thumb securly tucked into his mouth. While we are thrilled at his ability to self soothe, the downfall is that you can take a pacifier away from a kid....but you can't take his thumbs!

Best $250 we've ever spent!

Let's hear it for great insurance and a low copay! On January 17, 2006 at 9:51 p.m., we welcomed our son Benjamin David Johnson into the world. The Lord blessed us with a healthy baby boy weighing in at 9 pounds 3 ounces and measuring 21 inches in length.

Jeremiah and I can hardly believe he is finally here. My water broke at work late that afternoon and after laboring intensly, the doctor finally decided that the baby was breach. Crazy since just two weeks earlier he wasn't. Can you imagine! My son managed to whip his 9lb.+ body right side up in the last two weeks....where did he find the room to do that! What a turd....but a cute one! ;)

Needless to say, after 2 weeks, Ben is the light of our world on this earth. He has allowed us to see love in a way that we never have before. Putting it into words seems impossible. But one thing is for sure.....what a sacrifice our God made in giving Christ for our sins. And what an amazing thing a father's love (parent's love) is. I am forever changed.

Officially a blog owner...but for good reason

So I've spent the past few months viewing and participating in the blogs of others. Never thought I would start my own. However, when you have a newborn son....suddenly the idea seems genious. What better way to get pics of your beautiful kid out to the world and keep others posted on what is happening in our lives. I'm not promising anything incredibly fascinating and witty at all times, but it may happen here and there. Enjoy!