Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Friends, solids, spit up....what more can you ask for?

Ben is eating solids now. The little blue seat is his "solids" seat. His legs are so fat he barely fits! Bless his little pea-pickin' heart (that one's for you Mel!).

Likes greenbeans okay. HATES peas...as in gagging and choking hates! Likes applesauce and peaches a bunch. LOVES LOVES LOVES ......squash? What kid loves squash? Apparenlty mine does.

And the other picture is at my mom's in Knoxville. Hurley has Cindi Kate and then Jeremiah and Ben...taking a puke! Yup that's right...zoom in there...mom snapped the camera just as he began to upchuck. What a ham...er uh...squash the second time around. ;)

Call off the search!....

We are in Chattanooga and we are alive! No internet as of right now, so we take up residency at the ol' Panera Bread and use their free "wi-fi." The staff here is probably ready to throw us an apron and tell us to get workin'. Free wi-fi for FREE probably isn't what they had in mind when they made the offer. Jeremiah has no problem with this idea. I on the otherhand feel obligated to at least purchase a coffee. (I know....big whoop for the big $1.84 contribution...keep my couch change).

Anyway, we are here and doing fairly well. It is great being so close to family and friends, and it is WONDERFUL seeing the beautiful mountains each day. Boy did I miss that!

There is probably so much to tell, but my mind won't come up with it right now. Hope everyone out there is doing fantabulous. We miss our Chicago friends like you cannot imagine!